Cities: Skylines II

Cities: Skylines II delayed on PS5 and Xbox Series again

Is the third time the charm?

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Quite a few suspected that something was wrong when the console editions of Cities: Skylines II were delayed at the eleventh hour. These fears turned out to be warranted, as the game had a very rough launch. The developers have been working hard trying to fix as much as possible since then, which is one of the reasons why the PS5 and Xbox Series versions were delayed again a few months ago. We were then told Cities: Skylines II would make its way to consoles in October. Well, guess what...

The publishers at Paradox has announced that the PS5 and Xbox Series versions of Cities: Skylines II have been delayed indefinitely. That's because they "have not yet met the stability and performance targets" set for these editions. They hope to have a new and better version ready for Sony and Microsoft's approval in a few months, so it's still possible we'll get the game on consoles by the end of 2024.

Cities: Skylines II

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Cities: Skylines II

REVIEW. Written by Patrik Severin

We've become mayor and tried to build our dream city in this long-awaited sequel.

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