Counter-Strike 2

Furia pulls out of PGL Cluj-Napoca, Imperial Fe claims remaining space

The women's squad joins the major Counter-Strike 2 tournament, which is happening this month.

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Despite formerly reporting on the attending teams for the PGL-hosted Cluj-Napoca Counter-Strike 2 event, which kicks off on February 14 and runs for a week until a winner is determined on February 23 and the $1.25 million prize pool is fully distributed, a last-minute change does mean that the full slate of attending squads has been altered.

Furia has decided to pull out of the tournament, meaning one open slot remains at the event. This has been granted to Imperial Fe, meaning the women's squad will be looking to stamp their name on the tournament and to claim a meaty chunk of the prize pool for their own.

As for why Furia dropped out, all that we are told is: "The team informed PGL that they have chosen to focus on securing the necessary travel documents for the Major in the United States. This decision came unexpectedly for PGL, and we had to act quickly to find a team to replace FURIA."

Who do you think is the favourite for PGL Cluj-Napoca 2025?

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