Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, the collaboration between Team Ninja, Spark Unlimited and Comcept, will be getting a few additional extras when it releases in February next year.
At a recent European Tour of the game - where we managed to get hands-on with the game's opening - the team announced that the game would be receiving three DLC costumes, each with a particular power set. One at least has been confirmed: a Mighty No.9 outfit, to tie in with Comcept's Kickstarter-funding platformer. The other two DLC are expected to be announced in the near future.
Yaiba will also be releasing as a special edition, which includes all the usual trimmings, such as a digital version of its soundtrack, and a specially-created comic book from Dark Horse Comics.
As standard, the game also comes with an Arcade Mode, which apes the classic side-scrolling titles of the 90s with pixelated cut-scenes, though it still uses Ninja Gaiden Z's art-style and combat system during levels. Check out the screens below: