Apex Legends

The Apex Legends Global Series Year 4 Championship's anthem will be performed by SiM

We'll get a sneak peek of it next week before a live performance in Sapporo, Japan in early February.

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It's almost time for the biggest event in the Apex Legends esports calendar to take place, as the Apex Legends Global Series Year 4 Championship will unfold in early February, with action happening in Sapporo, Japan and seeing the best teams from around the world in attendance.

With this coming up, Respawn has now affirmed that we'll get to hear a snippet of the anthem for the event next week, all before it's performed live at the tournament by musical artist SiM.

The song is known as CHAMPiONS, and the live performance is set for Saturday, February 1 at 2:00 AM GMT / 3:00 AM CET. The exact date when the sneak peek arrives has yet to be communicated.

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"The mix of weapons, the revive mechanic, the excellent design of the map, the fluidity of the controls, and the stellar gunplay all combine to make a slick first-person experience."

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