The Walking Dead: The Final Season

Skybound games division was five people when Telltale closed

Skybound Games CEO Ian Howe has talked about the process of finishing work on The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

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The Walking Dead: The Final Season has just come to a close after a troubled development, including the closure of Telltale Games, and in a recent interview with GameSpot former Telltale creative director Kent Mudle and Skybound Games CEO Ian Howe talked about the transition for the project, with Howe saying Skybound was a small team at the time.

"Yeah, the games division of Skybound was five people," he explained. "We were less than a year old and we were still definitely in training wheels. I mean I've been doing this for a long time so I realized that a lot of the work related to the publishing side had been done. Telltale was literally the lowest maintenance team I've ever worked with, they literally just came back in and got on with the job. That to me speaks volumes about the character of the people there, but also the desire to get it finished. Our part compared to what these guys were doing was very small, but it was really all about the focus of getting these guys back in a room somewhere with the ability to finish the story."

"The desire was to finish it, and there was definitely that dedication to try and save some jobs," Howe added. "These guys had been let go without any severance and have been through a tough situation--can we figure something out? Thankfully we were able to put together something pretty quickly, and I will give huge credit to the management of Telltale who went out of their way and did everything they could to make this deal happen as quickly as it could. For exactly that reason to help those people out, so that I don't think that should get lost in this."

In the same interview we also find out that Episode 3 was at almost the middle point of development, with all voicework being recorded and visuals being rough at the time Telltale closed down. Skybound had already talked to Telltale before closing down about the plan to finish the game, and Howe adds that despite minor revisions the plan continued as Telltale would've wanted it.

We spoke to Mudle ourselves not too long ago, and he told us that "it feels very satisfying" to end Clementine's story after all these years.

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The Walking Dead: The Final Season

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