Pokémon Black/White

Pokémon Black/White cover

...pouts on the cover of a DS game

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What Pokémon will be on the cover of the next installment of the series? That's important! After all, in a press release from Nintendo it's stated that the series have sold in more than 207 million copies since the first game was released 14 years ago. 14 years. Has it been that long? Do you remember a world without Pokémon? It's hard to imagine, I know.

Pokémon Black/White is slated for release in spring of 2011, in both North America and Europe, and the covers will feature the legendary Pokémons Reshiram (Black) and Zekrom (White). Yup, you got to catch them too.

Pokémon Black/White
Pokémon Black/White

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