Yakuza 3

New screenshots from the Yakuza 3 remaster

The remaster frenzy continues.

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As you surely know, being a Gamereactor reader and all, Sega is currently working on remasters of Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 to make them more shiny on PlayStation 4. Now they've sent out a whole bunch of new screenshots from this version, which shows off the combat where the hero Kazuma Kiryu both kicks ass and use weapons like katanas and sticks to beat people up. We also get a few pictures showing the upgraded environments that we'll be exploring.

No western date has been announced for the game yet, but it launches next month in Japan. If history teaches us anything it's that we're often made to wait for Yakuza releases in these parts, but hopefully it makes its way over here.

Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3Yakuza 3Yakuza 3

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Yakuza 3Score

Yakuza 3

REVIEW. Written by Jon Cato Lorentzen

Kazuma Kiryu has moved to Okinawa to run an orphanage and get away from his past in the Mafia. Jon Cato has gone with him.

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