Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

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Capcom are preparing a exclusive prologue to Dead Rising 2 that will be released on Xbox Live on August 31. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, will among other things let you level up to level 5, which you will then start at when you get Dead Rising 2.

Case Zero will only cost a mere 400 points, and according to Capcom it is an essential part of the Dead Rising 2 experience. Oh well, onto the screens.

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

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Dead Rising 2: Case ZeroScore

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

REVIEW. Written by Bengt Lemne

Dead Rising 2 is less than a month away and Capcom have released Dead Rising: Case Zero on Xbox Live Arcade as a small teaser of what's to come in September.

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