Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Inafune "feels responsible" for poor reviews of Yaiba

But his only regret is calling it a Ninja Gaiden title.

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Keiji Inafune, one of the men responsible for Capcom classics such as Mega Man and Dead Rising, talks several topics on GRTV after recently leaving the company. Comcept's producer discusses Mighty No. 9's status, a possible Soul Sacrifice sequel, thoughts on the Dead Rising movie, Yaiba's reception, horror games and even memories from Zelda: Minish Cap and crowdfunding advice for Yu Suzuki's Shenmue 3.


Here's what he said of Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z's reception (via translator):

"He [Inafune] is aware of the not so good reviews out there of the game. And he feels responsible for that. As far as the game content goes he's really satisfied that he's created a great game as an original great game. So if there was anything he should have changed is he should not have given it the name of Ninja Gaiden and release it as a completely original game."

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