Counter-Strike 2

Here are all the winners from the HLTV Awards

The best-of-the-best in competitive Counter-Strike came together to celebrate the year that was over the weekend.

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This past weekend saw the best in the world of competitive Counter-Strike coming together and flocking to Belgrade, Serbia, for a major awards ceremony. The annual HLTV Awards have come to a close, meaning we have a slate of victors to report on now, with the full list of winners shown below.

  • Talent of the Year - James "⁠BanKs⁠" Banks

  • Event of the Year - Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024

  • Creator of the Year - NadeKing

  • Streamer of the Year - Mark "⁠ohnePixel⁠" Zimmermann

  • Skin of the Year - AK-47 - Inheritance

  • Opener of the Year - Danil "donk" Kryshkovets

  • Closer of the Year - Justinas "jL" Lekavicius

  • Anchor of the Year - Valeriy "b1t" Vakhovskiy

  • Awper of the Year - Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov

  • IGL of the Year - Aleksi "Aleksib" Virolainen

  • Coach of the Year - Andrey "B1ad3" Gorodenskiy

  • Highlight of the Year - Danil "donk" Kryshkovets

  • Rookie of the Year - Danil "donk" Kryshkovets

  • Women's Team of the Year - Imperial

  • Team of the Year - Natus Vincere

  • Women's Player of the Year - Ana "ANa" Dumbravă

  • Player of the Year - Danil "donk" Kryshkovets

This wasn't all that the ceremony looked to showcase, as the first four HLTV Hall of Famers were also introduced and celebrated. The four individuals are some of CS' greatest names, including Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund, Emil "HeatoN" Christensen, Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg, and Tommy "Potti" Ingemarsson. These four each received a specially designed Rolex watch for joining the exclusive Hall of Fame ranks.

Counter-Strike 2

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