The Surge 2

Deck 13 adding "as much choice as we can" to Surge 2

That was one of the key pillars for the sequel.

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The Surge is back with a sequel coming next year to introduce fans to the action-RPG once again, and at E3 we got a chance to talk with Jan Klose from developer Deck13 to hear specifically about what the thoughts were going from the first game into this, which involved quite a lot of reflection.

"I think there's two important things. The first is that we really listened to player feedback a lot, so we really tried to find out what was cool, what should we do more, and what was maybe not so cool and we should improve on, and this is really the basis of everything that we did," he explained. "And I think the other thing is we really tried to continue the story of part one, but we're changing the whole scenario, so we're not in this CREO factory anymore, this huge industrial complex, but now we're in the city, in an urban environment which of course has a lot of implications of how you can perceive the game, what you can do in the game, just from the location. This is where we tried to get as much variety in there, and also as much choice as we can, to have the player decide on how to explore this and how to play the game."

What do you want to see changed and kept the same from the first game?

The Surge 2

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