Dragon's Dogma 2

Capcom reveals roadmap for upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 patches

Before the lacklustre launch does any more damage, the studio is quick to recount the changes and improvements coming to the fantasy game.

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Dragon's Dogma 2's first weekend hasn't been the smash-hit release Capcom was hoping for community-wise, but the numbers do vouch for the game as Capcom's best release on Steam. Legions of players have reminded Capcom of the numerous problems with the PC version of the game, which Capcom has already said it will patch. Now it has detailed what the future of Dragon's Dogma will consist of.

According to the tweet from the official Twitter / X account, the roadmap for future updates to the game includes an option to remove motion blur (thank you, it was one of the weak points we picked apart in the review), breaking the 30 FPS lock on the game and most importantly: offering the New Game option at no extra cost.

No doubt this will calm the spirits of many players a little, and pave a little way forward for Dragon's Dogma 2, which despite some questionable decisions, is one of the great titles of 2024.

Dragon's Dogma 2

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