
Terraria gets major update on consoles

The studio wants to catch up with the PC version.

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The very popular Terraria has received its biggest update to date on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Update 1.3 fills the gap between the console versions and the PC version.

Here is a brief outline of the update as shared by the studio on the official website:

  • When it arrives, it will include both the reset discussed above AND be current up to at least PC 1.3 standard

  • Endgame Celestial Invasion Event & Moonlord final boss encounter

  • Brutally difficult Expert Mode - where fortune and glory - and unique loot - await those brave enough.

  • Over 800 new items, bringing the total count to well over 3500!

  • Numerous player quality of life upgrades

If you're interested in Terraria you'll be pleased to know it's currently on sale on Xbox One (70% off), until March 5th.


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REVIEW. Written by Aoife Wilson

Terraria is a deceptive little game.

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