De Blob has been let loose on Wii. What started out as a student project in the Netherlands, got picked up by American THQ, redesigned and adapted to Wii in Australia has now been reviewed by four Nordic game writers. And they all enjoyed it. Carl Thomas in Norway rates it as one of the best Wii games to date.
Denmark: Read the full review in Danish
Score: 7/10
Reviewer: Thomas Tanggaard
"De Blob is despite the irritating jump mechanic and the somewhat fickle camera a fun and different experience. It reminds me a bit of the old Wizball on Commodore 64, mixed with some of Sega's Jet Set Radio madness."
Finland: Coming soon.
Score: 8/10
Reviewer: Tero Kerttula
"Aside from a couple of small things (no free save, at times awkward camera) de Blob is simply excellent. As a positive surprise, the game has been translated into the Nordic languages, and quite well, too."
Norway: Read the full review in Norwegian
Score: 8/10
Reviewer: Carl Thomas Aarum
"It is extremely rewarding to witness a colourless town become a carnival of exploding colours as you jump around as if some sort of reckless hurricane of paint. If you own a Nintendo Wii this is without a doubt one of the best game purchases you can make."
Sweden: Read the full review in Swedish
Score: 8/10
Reviewer: Sophie Warnie de Humelghem
Excerpt: "If you have enjoyed the Katamari Damacy series and Jet Set Radio you will have a wonderful time with de Blob. The rest of you won't be disappointed either."
Gamereactor Average: 7.75/10