God of War

Original God of War creator thinks Kratos went too soft in the reboot

David Jaffe liked the overall product, but has his opinions about how the character was handled.

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David Jaffe, the original creator of the God of War series, has opened up a bit about his honest opinions on where the character of Kratos went following 2018's soft reboot of the franchise.

Referring to an older interview with Bruno Velasquez where the co-director said that if Kratos' Greek years are his college years, the reboot showcases him maturing and growing as a person. Jaffe then reminds us that he enjoyed 2018's God of War before diving into why he doesn't think this was a good idea.

"I don't want to see these characters grow," he said, referring to both Kratos and Indiana Jones (which inspired the topic of conversation). According to Jaffe, it's all well and good when creators inspire new IPs or new characters on their own experiences, but that shouldn't happen with established figures like Kratos.

"I don't like the direction that God of War is going in at all," Jaffe said later in the video. Specifically, it seems he's got a problem with the sequel to the 2018 game,
God of War: Ragnarök. Jaffe hasn't yet played the new Valhalla DLC, but if he doesn't want to see characters go through personal growth, he'd probably best steer clear.

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