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      Ghost Recon: Wildlands

      Operation Oracle landing in Ghost Recon: Wildlands tomorrow

      Players are also getting a free weekend across all platforms until May 5, giving access to all the content including Oracle.

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      Ubisoft has revealed that Operation Oracle will be landing tomorrow, May 2, in Ghost Recon: Wildlands, but what's more is that those who haven't yet tried the game can do so from May 2 right through until May 5, letting players access the base game and Operation Oracle.

      This new content sends the operatives on a rescue mission to reclaim an engineer taken hostage by Unidad, although something much bigger lies under the surface as you meet Cole D. Walker, a Ghost Team leader looking for answers.

      This comes after the end of the Year 2 content for the game, and those who haven't played can preload via Uplay on PC today if they want, before getting involved with the full game tomorrow. If they then want to invest, progress will be carried over if and when the full game is purchased.

      For more on Operation Oracle check out the screenshots and trailer below. Will you be getting stuck in this weekend?

      Ghost Recon: WildlandsGhost Recon: Wildlands
      Ghost Recon: WildlandsGhost Recon: WildlandsGhost Recon: Wildlands

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