Yesterday marked the global launch of the next instalment into Supermassive Games' horror series, The Dark Pictures. This latest title, House of Ashes, takes players into the Iraqi mountains, to follow the harrowing tale of a group of special forces operatives who were hunting for weapons of mass destruction, before falling headfirst into a living nightmare beneath the sands.
Featuring a cast of characters, with the lead portrayed by Ashley Tisdale, this horror game is looking to offer plenty of scares and terrifying scenarios, as the unfortunate individuals attempt to band together to escape the carnivorous creatures that are hunting them.
We'll be diving into the first couple of hours of this horror tale on today's GR Live, where Rebeca will be hosting at the usual time of 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST. If you're interested in facing a few frights, be sure to join us at the GR Live homepage to see how this entry into the series stacks up to its predecessors.
And to tie you over until we kick off the livestream, be sure to read our review of The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes, as well as taking a look at the launch trailer below.