Cities: Skylines

Here are this month's free games with PS+

Get ready to experience some simulators in the month of May via PlayStation's free PS+ lineup.

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Yet another month is about to pass us by and you know what that means. New month, new free games on PS+, PlayStation's online service. Rumours regarding this month's free lineup have been going around but none of them turned out to be correct. Instead of the rumoured Dark Souls: Remastered and Dying Light, the month of May brings Cities: Skylines and Farming Simulator 19 to PlayStation gamers.

The games will be made free on May 6 and will stay free until June 2. Are you happy with the lineup?

Cities: Skylines

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Cities: SkylinesScore

Cities: Skylines

REVIEW. Written by Kim Visnes

"All in all, Cities Skylines is the city builder every fan have been craving all these years. It's game that offers quality in every nook and cranny."

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