Akira Toriyama, the father and creator of Dragon Ball and who is also responsible for the character design of several iconic games such as Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest, and is the source for the upcoming Sand Land, which is another manga created by the Japanese legend, has unfortunately passed away.
This comes after he suffered a severe brain haemorrhage on March 1, which cost him his life. However, the news of his passing was only published today via Dragon Ball's official website recently, and a private funeral with only those closest to him in attendance has already been held.
In a longer statement that you can read below, the family expresses their great sadness at his passing and the many ongoing projects that will now be left in limbo. They also describe a person of incredible passion whose 45-year career in media is almost unparalleled. Finally, the family also expresses a desire to be left alone at this time.
Akira Toriyama turned 68 years old. Rest in peace.