Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines is making its debut on PS5 and Xbox Series next week

The Remastered Edition will bring new improvements and tools.

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Paradox Interactive and developer Colossal Order has announced that Cities: Skylines will be making its debut on current-generation consoles next week. Set to arrive on PS5 and Xbox Series devices, this edition of the game will be a Remastered Edition that uses the console's additional power to serve up graphical improvements, as well as more buildable tiles, and extra player tools.

Set to arrive on February 15, we're told that the Remastered Edition will retail for £34.99 / €39.99, but will arrive as a free update for anyone who owns a copy of the game and all of its DLCs on PS4 or Xbox One.

As for what these additions of the game will include, we're told that it will add 16 more buildable tiles, a quick selection tool, user experience improvements (including precision placement tools), further environmental control panels that allow for better weather adjusting options, a map editor, and a graphical improvement - although the exact specifics of this are not mentioned.

With the addition coming soon, check out the announcement trailer below.

Cities: Skylines

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Cities: SkylinesScore

Cities: Skylines

REVIEW. Written by Kim Visnes

"All in all, Cities Skylines is the city builder every fan have been craving all these years. It's game that offers quality in every nook and cranny."

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