Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines' final expansion has been announced

Hotels & Retreats marks the last major piece of content before Cities: Skylines II launches later this year.

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Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have unveiled Cities: Skylines' final expansion, entitled Hotels & Retreats, which launches on the 23rd of May.

Hotels & Retreats is described as a mini-expansion, where players can build luxury accommodations for their citizens and some tourist attractions to boost their city's economy. You'll start with a smaller hotel before moving onto bigger and better accommodations.

This marks the final expansion for Cities: Skylines before the release of Cities: Skylines II, which was announced earlier this year and is expected to come before 2023 is out.

Will you be getting Cities: Skylines' Hotels & Retreats expansion? Check out the trailer below:

Cities: Skylines

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Cities: Skylines

REVIEW. Written by Kim Visnes

"All in all, Cities Skylines is the city builder every fan have been craving all these years. It's game that offers quality in every nook and cranny."

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