Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines DLC Green Cities shown in new trailer

The latest DLC for Paradox Interactive's Cities: Skylines, Green Cities detailed in its new trailer.

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Have you ever wished that you possessed the power to negate or rush climate change? If you own Colossal Order's city builder Cities: Skylines on console, you'll be able to download a pack that adds the option to create and maintain eco-friendly civilisations, complete with plenty of vegetation and eco-fueled vehicles.

The DLC was released last year for PC and is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Cities: Skylines

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Cities: SkylinesScore

Cities: Skylines

REVIEW. Written by Kim Visnes

"All in all, Cities Skylines is the city builder every fan have been craving all these years. It's game that offers quality in every nook and cranny."

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