Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Call of Duty XP heads to Los Angeles in September

They're calling it the biggest Call of Duty fan event in history.

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Call of Duty XP is heading back to Los Angeles this year from the 2nd to the 4th of September and sees the Call of Duty World League come to a head as players from across the world compete for more than $2 million in prizes.

The event will also allow players to get their hands on both Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty 4: Remastered at the world premiere, as well as DLC for Black Ops 3.

Also at the event will be a surprise musical guest, developer panels, and the first VR Call of Duty experience. Tickets go on sale on the 11th of June and can be purchased via the Call of Duty website.

Given the phrasing on the event website, we get the impression that Activision won't be letting people try the multiplayer parts of the upcoming COD games at either E3 or Gamescom. XP will be the place to go.

There's also paintball on a real life version of the popular Nuketown map, the idea of which frankly has us pretty excited.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

REVIEW. Written by Paul Davies

"This is a fully-fledged super Call of Duty that we're honestly absolutely terrified of losing our lives to."

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