Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers and Genshin Impact are currently fighting over a Game Award

The pair are competing and leading the pack in the Player's Voice award.

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It looks like this year's The Game Awards show might see either Sonic Frontiers or Genshin Impact heading home with a trophy, depending on which one comes out on top in the solely publicly-voted Player's Choice category.

As reported on by IGN, the two games are currently leading the pack in the award category, beating out Elden Ring, God of War: Ragnarök, and Stray by a considerable margin. As it stands Genshin Impact has 53% of the votes whereas Sonic Frontiers has 33%, leaving just 14% of the total votes to be spread between the other three games, which includes two of the most nominated projects across the board.

As for who will come out on top will be made clear very soon when The Game Awards starts at 1:00 GMT / 2:00 CET on December 9.

Who would you like to see take the award, Sonic Frontiers or Genshin Impact?

Sonic Frontiers

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