Prey 2

Rumour: Prey 2 to return to the spotlight at E3?

Is it even called Prey 2 these days?

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Few games have been through a more problematic development than Prey 2. After years of work at Human Head Studios Bethesda Softworks cancelled the project and alledgedly handed it over to Arkane Studios (Dishonored). Now after a couple of years of additional silence we may see the new Prey 2 at this year's E3.

According sources, compiled by WCCFtech, the new game will be announced at Bethesda press conference. First main one was Kotaku writer Jason Schreier, who mentioned the reveal in the website's comment section: "All I've heard is that they're announcing it at E3! I'm not 100% sure, though. I do know it's codenamed Danielle and under development at Arkane Austin. And this is a totally new Prey 2 (it might even be called something else now), not the one we saw in 2011 from Human Head."

What do you think? Bethesda's E3 Showcase is scheduled for June 13th at 03:00 am BST. So we will know the facts in one month's time.

Prey 2
Prey 2 as envisioned by Human Head Studios.

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