Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 coming to Xbox One and PS4

Releasing in reverse order, the first is out next month.

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Capcom has today announced that the latest three main entries in the Resident Evil series will be coming to Xbox One and PS4 as digital downloads in the months ahead.

Each title will cost £15.99 on the respective PlayStation and Xbox digital stores. The games will release in reverse order, with Resident evil 6 slated for release on March 29, followed by Resident Evil 5 in the summer, and Resident Evil 4 in the autumn.

This isn't the first time that Resident evil 4 has been ported to a different generation; the game is now eleven years old and was first released on the Gamecube. You can catch the trailer for these three games below.

Resident Evil 6Resident Evil 6Resident Evil 6

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