
Judas and Bioshock creator reveals his thoughts on politics in gaming

Ken Levine isn't shying away from introducing political ideas in his games.

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One of the biggest discussions around gaming today is to do with politics. Should games be political? Should they not? Should they only introduce politics in a certain way? A lot of people have a lot of different stances, and so when Bioshock and Judas creator Ken Levine sat down with YouTuber Thomas Brush, of course he was asked questions about the philosophies and politics he includes in his games.

Levine didn't shy away from the topic, as you'd probably guess if you've played any of the Bioshock games, and actually finds it better to express his political thoughts in his games rather than social media. "Now, it's much more complicated to express a political thought in the game," Levine explains. "You've gotta [know] who's the character, who's saying it, you have to model them and you have to rig them and you have to hire an actor."

But, it seems to all be worth it. "You get to reach a lot more people," Levine continued. "And you get to say a much more comprehensive thing." It also seems than rather than push any political bandwagon, Levine is more interested about making ideologies clash with reality. "I've also seen what can happen when people stop paying attention to reality and they keep their nose in the ideology."

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