Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Yoshida on Uncharted 4: "they'll make a great game. I'm totally confident"

Sony's President of Worldwide Studios on Naughty Dog's latest.

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While we caught up with Shuhei Yoshida at last week's Gamelab event, talk turned to his thoughts on one of the biggest upcoming first-party PS4 titles, Uncharted 4.

He seemingly isn't worried about the game's quality, but would rather not know so much about it.

"Well, I just ask 'please make a great game' and they will make a great game, so I'm totally confident," he replied. "I rather not want to know the games in development too much because that ruins my experience [laughs]. That's a good part and a bad part of my job, [that] I get to have an access to games early in development and that I would not be able to enjoy games like many people would."

You can watch the whole interview below.


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