Yooka-Laylee, a colourful platformer that was crafted by Rare alumni, will soon be joining the growing list of titles to receive a board game adaptation. The card-based game, which can be purchased from June 29 onwards, has been made a reality due to a collaboration between Limited Run Games and Game Decks.
According to the product's listing on Game Decks' website, the game will be for 2-4 players and there's the potential to involve even more players by purchasing additional Game Decks. The goal here appears to be to collect the most Pagies by the end of the game and there are many powerups that you can obtain to help give you the upper hand.
The Special Edition of the game is also said to include an all-new soundtrack that contains 10 new tracks designed for the game. This soundtrack is called Yooka-Laylee Capital B-Sides, and at present, there doesn't appear to be an option to purchase it separately.
Thanks, IGN.