Asphalt 6
Back in the day it was Burnout and then all the realistic racing games. Gameloft brings a bit of the traditional Burnout formula to your Android phone. It offers adrenaline, boosts, short cuts and everything you expect to see in an arcade racer. The game can be played in local multiplayer on an iPad 2 and your Xperia Play phone for instance.
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed makes the transition from home consoles and comes in the shape of a 2D platformer with 3D elements or "2.5D" if you will. While the virtual d-pad got in the way of the enjoyment originally on iOS, it really helps to be able to use the control pads on Xperia Play.
Cyberlord is available both in a free version and a cheap version for purchase. You see the levels from a bird's eye view while you guide your prisoner through cyberpunk surroundings as you seek freedom. You will need to kill guards, find keys and make use of items. Pick it up if you crave something other than the many casual titles on offer.
Gun Bros
With Gun Bros Glu have proven that it's entirely possible to create a "freemium" game, where the many micro transactions don't get in the way of having fun. The game is constantly updated and it's one of the most enjoyable dual stick shooters you can get for your phone. It's free and makes great use of Xperia Play's dual analogue pads.
Modern Combat 2 HD
Gameloft (aka the clone factory) brings the "Modern Warfare" experience to phones. While the single player isn't worth writing much about, the multiplayer is nothing short of fantastic. Whether you make your way through empty warehouses, snowcovered hills or lush jungles as you lay down tangos - the experience is excellent. Naturally it supports the Xperia Play pads.
A game for young members of your family. You guide the little Pixeline through a game that reminds us of Giana Sisters and Mario with a lower difficulty. It's nice and wholesome entertainment, but veteran players will quickly and easily make their way through the game, especially now with a proper d-pad.
Spider-Man HD
Spider-Man has rarely looked as alive as in Gameloft's game. You swing your way through levels, fight bad guys, free hostages and put an end to recognisable boss characters. It's platforming the they way it's meant to be. The Xperia Play controller does wonders for the game, but unfortunately the touch screen buttons are still visible, which is a bit off-putting. However, it's not enough to prevent Spider-Man HD from being great buy on both Xperia Play, or any other Android device for that matter.
Super K.O. Boxing 2
Here is another free game to check out. It borrows both design and controls from the classic Punch-Out titles. But the experience is much better with the Xperia Play pads than on your iPhone. A proper d-pad and real buttons is really vital for a game like this and it works really well. And given that it's free you really should pick it up for your Xperia Play phone.
If your looking for a good old Japanese RPG in 2D, just like it looked and play back in the day, then you should consider Zenonia 1 and 2. These games showed tremendous potential on iOS, but the on screen controls left a lot to be desired. With a proper d-pad these games are born again.
Pocket Legends
Your MMO fix in your pocket. The game is constantly expanded and the entry fee is zero, although you can quickly spend a bit of money adding new areas through micro transactions. As with Asphalt 6 this game can be played across all platforms, and the game saves your character online, which is a great thing if you're the kind of person who misplaces your phone on occasion. There is currently no support for the Xperia Play pad, but it still deserves its place on this list on account of all the features.