
Xbox One not hitting delayed regions until Q3 2014?

Unlucky territories could end up facing a ten month delay.

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As you may recall, Microsoft announced the delay of Xbox One's launch in eight territories back in August.

Since then there has been no word when these countries (Russia, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark) would be getting their official launch, but Gamereactor has now learned from trusted sources - the same ones that told us of the original delay before it became official - that they could be in for a longer wait than expected.

In fact, we're told Xbox One won't launch in the Nordics until the third quarter of 2014. Given a launch in July or the first half of August is unlikely, these countries are looking at a nine to ten month delay compared to the original November launch this year in other territories.

We have no confirmation on whether the other four countries mentioned above are looking at a similar launch date to the Nordics, and it remains unclear what this could mean to other territories (Japan comes to mind). The delay may mean Microsoft is either struggling with supply, or localisation is proving a massive challenge.

In the meantime Xbox One units will continue to be imported by hardcore fans in these countries and with PlayStation 4 already launched weeks ago in Nordics, Microsoft will be facing a uphill struggle when it comes to competing with Sony for marketshare.

Xbox One not hitting delayed regions until Q3 2014?

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