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Worship is a darker take on the Pikmin genre

Gather minions for your cult, but don't be afraid to stab them if it gives you extra power.

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When you think of Pikmin-like games, few really come to mind. Especially those that take the genre and give it a darker tone. However, that's what Chasing Rats Games is looking to do with Worship.

Your minions are still cute, but you won't mind throwing them to an early grave, or sacrificing them so you can spill their blood to cast powerful spells. Speaking with CEO of Chasing Rats Games Alexis Gallant-Vigneault, we asked what inspired the Pikmin design.

"Having followers and the player fantasy of the Pikmin with the cult leader made sense for us," he said. "So we tried to experiment with that. And the first prototype was really fun so we decided to go along with it."

As mentioned, the design behind the followers will still be cutesy, something that was done on purpose by the team. "We want to have that dark humour in there," Gallant-Vigneault said. "We have jokes in the game It has to be something that doesn't take itself too seriously it is as grim as it is cute and whimsical at the same time and that was the intention from the beginning."

Worship is coming soon and if you want more details, check out the full interview below:


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