When Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the game created by Machine Games with the help of Dishonored studio Arkane Studios, released early in July, there was a feature missing from the game, some thought. When the player was killing Nazis offline with an AI companion, bringing up the menu didn't pause the game and the Nazis would take advantage of the player staying still, lighting them up like a Christmas tree with fancy post-WWII tech.
In an upcoming update, however, this will change. Patch 1.0.4 will release later this week, first on PC with console following a few days later (Switch update release to be announced at a later date) and adds a pause feature. If you have had issues achieving 100% completion in the game, despite knowing you've done quite enough to hit that 100, that's being fixed as well.
Are you playing Wolfenstein: Youngblood?