Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood hits our livestream today

The Blazkowicz sisters are taking the fight to the Nazis rather than their father, and we're showing you what's new this time around.

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Wolfenstein: Youngblood has just been released by Machine Games, continuing the story of the Blazkowicz family's fight against Nazis and all they believe in. We're usually used to seeing BJ Blazkowicz shooting these guys to pieces, but now it's the turn of his daughters Jes and Soph to dish out some pain.

We're preparing our review after spending a long time in the company of these sisters, but today we're also taking to our livestream to give you a taste of what Machine Games has cooked up for us this time. If you want to see what's up, then be sure to head on over to our live page at 15:00 BST (16:00 CEST) to get involved.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

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Wolfenstein: YoungbloodScore

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

REVIEW. Written by Lisa Dahlgren

"The weapon handling is just as good as you'd expect, the story is great if a little sparse, and killing Nazis feels as great as ever."

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