Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

What platforms is Shiness heading to?

Console destinations still not officially confirmed for French RPG.

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We recently reached out to French developers Enigami for an interview on the upcoming RPG Shiness, that was funded to the tune of $139,000 on Kickstarter back in 2014 to see what's up. Interestingly this is what Enigami had to say about possible launch platforms as the release approaches (it's coming out this year):

"The platforms have not been announced yet. We're going to share more information about this as soon as possible."

The game is on Steam already so we're assuming the PC, Mac, and Linux versions are a go, but in spite of reaching their $140,000 stretch goal of console support - Enigami did promise to support PS4 and Xbox One at the end of the Kickstarter. It is of course possible that there has been developments since, but hopefully we can look forward to the game on both consoles as well.

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

You can read our full interview with Enigami here.

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Shiness: The Lightning KingdomScore

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

REVIEW. Written by Anders Baad Mai

"If this so happens to be the first step towards a longer adventure, we can only imagine what they'll be able to achieve in potential sequels."

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