Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Watch our livestream replay of Wildlands' Operation Oracle

This laid down the foundations for the reveal of Breakpoint this week, and we got to see what Oracle offers us.

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Just this week Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was revealed to the world via a livestream held by Ubisoft, and the groundwork for this reveal was actually laid down in Ghost Recon: Wildlands' Operation Oracle, which brought a character into the mix that reappeared in the Breakpoint trailer.

To celebrate the Ubisoft announcement (albeit before it happened) we headed into Wildlands once more to try the Operation Oracle content on our stream, so if you want to see who this character is and how we handled the new story, then be sure to check out the livestream replay below.

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Ghost Recon: Wildlands

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Ghost Recon: WildlandsScore

Ghost Recon: Wildlands

REVIEW. Written by Matti Isotalo

"There are only a handful of big-budget open-world games with campaign co-op as good as this."

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