Blue Beetle

Warner blame the weather for terrible Blue Beetle opening

The movie is the latest in a long string of DC disappointments.

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The DCU and their superhero films have been facing a headwind over the past year. The disappointments have come and gone, and most recently it was the highly anticipated The Flash that stumbled and fell flat like a pancake at the cinemas. So bad, in fact, that it has become one of the biggest flops in the history of superhero film adaptations. Neither Shazam nor Black Adam did particularly well, and much depended on Blue Beetle succeeding in reversing this downward trend.

However, this has not been the case and the latest addition to the DCU was the second worst opening weekend ever for a superhero movie, something the Warner bosses now blame the weather for.

In Southern California the storm Hillary has hit hard, diminishing a market that was tipped as one of the strongest for Blue Beetle, thanks to its latino protagonist. The studio apparently commented on this, which in turn is now being mocked online as a rather weak excuse.

Blue Beetle

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