No, Valve isn't trying to dethrone Xbox and PlayStation.
"Hello there, welcome back to GRTV News, I'm Alex as usual going over the afternoons, latest and greatest when it comes to gaming, technology, entertainment, whatever you like, whatever you love, we always have it here for you at GRTV News and in the wider Gamereactor network as a whole, so if you like what you see and want to see more, be sure to check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from for more gaming reviews, gaming previews, news, interviews, exclusives, movie reviews, series reviews and of course so much more."
"So without further ado today, we're talking about an interesting rumour that's sort of been flittering around this week about a Valve console. Now, considering Valve has sort of branched out before with things like the Steam Deck and the Steam Controller, it doesn't sound entirely unheard of that they would maybe look to create their own Playstation and Xbox Challenger in a Steam Console. However, recent rumours specifically around the AMD's RDNA 4 architecture and that being used to create a Steam Console have been debunked by Pierre-Lou Griffay, I think that's how you pronounce it, I probably butchered that name, I'm very sorry Pierre, but basically, Insider Gaming reported on this basically pointing to the idea of maybe there's a console in the works. However, Pierre steps in here, he's also by the way a big architect, designer and developer at Valve and has said that we've basically done pre-release, most of all can work on every AMD architecture since Vega, which is way, way back, thanks to them kindly providing hardware. So basically it means that Valve just works with AMD on their hardware stuff so that stuff like Steam can run games properly and things like that and also I believe it's AMD hardware in the Steam Deck itself so there seems to be a pretty good relationship there but it's not pointing to the fact that there's a console in the works. A console would be really cool and perhaps it would sell very well, I mean people have been disappointed in the PS5 and Xbox Series X slash S generation to say the least. While the Xbox Series S I actually think is one of the best consoles for consumers in a long time because it's quite cheap and it runs everything that you would want to run with modern gen even if it does kind of hold graphics back a bit."
"Again, the cheapness factor and the fact that it just is sort of like plug and play makes it really, really consumer friendly and it's a game pass machine. Anyway, we're not talking about the Xbox Series S today but the PS5 releases, the Xbox Series X releases, it's all felt a bit underwhelming to a lot of consumers even though there have been standout games here and there for both platforms but it seems like consoles are in a sense kind of coming to a new age especially as Xbox is pushing less into buying Xbox hardware and more promoting that consumers just play the games they want on what platform they want so long as they're from Xbox Studios but in any case it doesn't look like a Steam console is going to be able to sort of challenge either of those and again I'm not even sure that it would. Valve is very, very well known in the PC gaming space and Steam is very well respected and the Steam Deck is an incredibly popular piece of kit but if Steam went to challenge stuff like Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo who we've not mentioned here it would likely fall because those brands are just so well established in the console space. Not to say that a Steam console wouldn't be interesting but again a game that just puts your Steam games on a television would probably have a lot of people asking why don't they just have their own PC so that's up for you to decide there. Would you like to see Steam and Valve make a console? Do you think it would be good? What performance would you like to see from this sort of console and what price would you like to see it at if they were to make one? Unfortunately they're not going to make one but we can always speculate because there's nothing stopping us from doing that and if you've enjoyed this JLTV News let me know and I'll see you tomorrow for some more. Goodbye."