Levolution is back, baby!
"Hello there, welcome back to GRTV News, I'm Alex, as usual going over the afternoons latest and greatest when it comes to gaming, technology, entertainment, whatever you like, whatever you love, we always have it here for you at GRTV News and in the wider Gamereactor network as a whole."
"So if you like what you see and you want to see more, be sure to check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from for more gaming reviews, news, previews, exclusives, interviews, movie reviews, series reviews and of course so much more.
Without further ado, let's get to today's piece."
"Now there was some Nintendo financial information coming out today, stuff like the Nintendo Switch selling over 150 million units, stuff like Mario Party, Super Mario Party Jamboree being the best selling Nintendo released game in 2024 and some other stats basically showing how Super Mario Kart 8 is still somehow selling like hot cakes despite it being years and years and years since it's release and stuff like that."
"But I thought we'd focus on something which is actually less going over sort of financial details and numbers and figures and things like that which is that there's a new Battlefield that we've had sort of a little bit of a glimpse of thanks to this new video here which is over on Battlefield's YouTube channel as well as Gamereactor of course as I'm showing down below but basically it goes over Battlefield Labs."
"Now what is Battlefield Labs?
Well it's a new testing environment EA and DICE are calling it or Battlefield Studios I should say are calling it where you'll be able to in a few short weeks test out the new Battlefield for yourself."
"Now we did also get a fair bit, well I say a fair bit actually not that much at all Battlefield gameplay at the end of this trailer which I'm showing now of pre-alpha gameplay which is down below here and you can see it looks pretty good.
It looks like Battlefield, it looks a lot more dynamic perhaps than we have seen in a while from Battlefield."
"You can see the RPG absolutely demolishes that building so you can see Levolution is back in a big way.
It does seem to be more of a modern setting taking place sort of in the streets of perhaps somewhere in the Middle East something like that."
"We're not really fully sure on the setting yet but you can also imagine that the maps are going to be world spanning as Battlefield is often known for that.
But yes not much actual gameplay there to look over but the exciting thing is that in a few short weeks you might be able to test it out for yourself thanks to Battlefield Labs."
"Now the new Battlefield game is set to release this year.
Pre-alpha gameplay footage could be taken from a while ago, it could be taken quite recently.
We're not sure because we don't have an exact release window or date on it yet."
"Usually these shooters, these big shooters like Battlefield and God do wait until the end of the year as they're often big Christmas buys but we'll have to wait and see and wait for more details on it.
It is exciting though."
"Battlefield the last two entries have sort of missed the mark on it a bit so we are hoping that this will be a real return to glory for the franchise and as Call of Duty has sort of slowed its role sort of falling into that formula again and again year by year it maybe is time for Battlefield to step back up again and prove that it once used to take a swing at Call of Duty every year or so."
"You know it used to be are you a Battlefield guy or a COD guy?
Now there's just COD guys but perhaps one day we'll have Battlefield guys feeling like they can take pride in the franchise again.
Maybe I'm too hopeful though."
"Let me know what you think about the new Battlefield, about those short seconds of sweet, sweet gameplay footage we saw and I'll see you tomorrow for some more GITV news.