We could see a Trevor cameo, but it won't last long.
"Hello there, welcome back to GRTV News, I'm Alex, as usual, covering the afternoons, latest and greatest when it comes to gaming, technology, entertainment, whatever you like, whatever you love, we always have it here for you at GRTV News and in the wider Gamereactor Network as a whole, so if you like what you see and you want to see more, be sure to check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from for more gaming previews, reviews, movie reviews, series reviews, exclusives, interviews and of course news, but without further ado, let's get to today's news, and today we're talking GTA, I've noticed I'm a bit out of focus, I'm not going to go over to the camera and sort that out in a minute, as sometimes it just happens, but in any case we're talking GTA, specifically one GTA 5 character that could be coming to GTA 6, or at least the actor wants this cameo, so Grand Theft Auto 5's Trevor, played by Steven Ogg, has talked about his sort of potential return in Grand Theft Auto 6, now it's unlikely that unless this has already happened, that this will be implemented in Grand Theft Auto 6, but basically he's got an interesting idea of how his character could return, and he says, I wish it would be fun if Trevor appeared in it just to be killed at the beginning, I think that would be cool because it also acknowledges the fans saying like, hey thank you, pass the torch, stomp Trevor's head in and sort of put an end to that and allow a new generation to take over, so that's kind of how Trevor is actually introduced in Grand Theft Auto 5, if you remember he kills Johnny Klebitz and stomps his head in after a brief altercation in the beginning of his sort of introduction in GTA 5, now Johnny Klebitz is more of a minor character in GTA 4, but he is the star of the, I believe it's the Lost in the Damned DLC, so he is sort of a well-known guy, and I remember thinking that it was quite harsh to kill him that way, but that's just sort of how GTA works, and obviously Trevor would be quite past his prime in Grand Theft Auto 6, but it would be interesting to see how he would move to Vice City, and whether there's sort of any interesting details to play with there. As I said, this is quite unlikely, because considering Grand Theft Auto 6 is hopefully, very very hopefully, knock on wood, coming out later this year, it's likely that all of the recording for any of the cutscenes and things like that were done years ago, so anything sort of in terms of cameos that is being planned for later down the line, let's say Og is just sort of speaking purely hypothetically here and hasn't actually stepped in the recording booth or stepped on a motion capture stage, it's entirely likely that we wouldn't see his inclusion if his inclusion is planned until years down the line, maybe for GTA 6 online rather than actually in the main story."
"It would be interesting to see characters come back, we often have little nods to people here and there, there are a few characters from GTA 4 that made it into GTA 5, but usually in things like side objectives and things like that, like we didn't get any sort of main protagonist cameos, and it's usually the same thing, so maybe perhaps we won't expect to see something like a big Trevor cameo or a big Trevor moment, but something like maybe Lamar appears or another side character that made their name in GTA 5 could appear in GTA 6, but it seems like because there's been such a long gap between GTA 5 and 6 that the most we can expect are smaller cameos again, perhaps even very very little at all, but Rockstar does pay attention to this stuff and usually GTA games are full of little details and easter eggs that will keep YouTubers plied with cash for years to come."
"Do you want to see Trevor cameo in Grand Theft Auto 6? Do you think it's likely we'll see Trevor in Grand Theft Auto 6? Let me know all that and more and I'll see you tomorrow for some more GRTV news, goodbye!"