The reign of the PlayStation Network continues.
"Hello and welcome back to GRTV News, I'm Alex as always going over the afternoons latest and greatest when it comes to gaming, technology, entertainment, whatever you like, whatever you love, we've always got it here for you at GRTV News and in the wider Gamereactor network as a whole, so if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from for more gaming news, gaming previews, gaming reviews, movie reviews, series reviews, exclusives, interviews and of course so so so much more but without further ado today let's get right into it as we're talking a bit of controversy with the Horizon franchise again, could it be? Last week I was talking about the Horizon MMO possibly being cancelled and now we've got a brilliant piece from Palais here going over Horizon Forbidden West on PC and it being removed from 100 plus territories, more than 170 I believe is the exact number but without further ado, if you don't know why this is happening, just as a bit of context, it's all to do with the PlayStation Network. Now Sony wants you to be on the PlayStation Network when you play PlayStation games no matter what platform you're playing on, however there's a big problem with that as there's more than 170 countries as we say including big countries like Egypt, Estonia, the Philippines, Monaco, these are places, you know, they're not just random places in the middle of nowhere like North Korea where you kind of understand why there might not be access to the PlayStation Network but they're just normal countries that people live in that they can't get access to the PlayStation Network. There was a big debacle last year about this with Helldivers 2 because it was such a massive online game but Sony put their foot down and said we want it to be on the PlayStation Network and then they sort of resolved that. In any case, Horizon Forbidden West is a single player only game and yet Sony has limited the amount of people that can therefore buy it on PC via Steam because they don't have PlayStation Network access. It's one of those things that really boggles the mind because you can't understand why Sony needs this PlayStation Network thing so badly that they would give up access to 170 countries worth of potential sales. But yeah, it seems like it's going to be happening to God of War Ragnarok as well. It happened to Ghost of Tsushima and it's happened to the Spider-Man games and it'll likely happen to the upcoming Marvel Spider-Man 2. Despite it seeming to make no sense, it's often been something that Sony has pursued no matter what and it's unlikely to change because as I said even with the big Helldivers 2 debate that happened last year, even though technically the players won on that one, Sony kind of just kept it's head down and said yeah, yeah you can have Helldivers but we'll keep everything else. It's one of those things that has just sort of taken in it's stride as a modern part of gaming with Sony's sort of titles on PC and things like that so you kind of sort of scratch your head wondering why are you doing that if there could be sales in these countries but at the same time Sony must have a good reason behind the doors because as I say otherwise you're just giving up money at the end of the day. But let me know what you think about the PlayStation Network stuff. Do you think Sony should get rid of it? Do you see why Sony can do it and why they should keep doing it? Let me know all that and more and I'll see you next time for some more GRTV news. Goodbye."