It looks like we won't have to wait much longer until we get to see the successor console.
"Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of GRTV News, today we have a big one, it's a really big one, it's finally happening by the looks of things, we've finally got what it looks to be a date as to when the Nintendo Switch 2 is going to be unveiled to the world."
"Lots of rumours have been circulating as of late and they all came out in a new batch we say, all came out at once late yesterday where they seemed to suggest that on Thursday, which will be January 16th, the official unveiling of the Nintendo Switch 2 will happen.
Now it should be said that unveiling will likely just be about the hardware, not that we expected much different to be honest, but it'll be about just the hardware and then the games and what will be arriving on the console at launch, or should we say accompanying the console at launch, that will be discussed in further, most likely in February."
"But anyway, before we talk about what this could mean, let's dive on in.
Rumour Nintendo Switch 2 to be unveiled this Thursday, January 16th, with a hardware focused teaser trailer followed by a games event in February.
So, a new day, a new rumour about Switch 2 that we must analyse and review to understand whether or not to give it credence. And this time, be warned, we have reason to believe that this could be true. Nintendo Switch 2 will be unveiled this Thursday, 16th January 2025 in a hardware focused teaser trailer. This comes to us from several different sources, now joined by Nate the Hayton's podcast. I can share with you that Nintendo Switch 2 will be revealed next week. I've been told that Switch 2 will be revealed on Thursday, January 16th, a few days from now."
"I've heard that the reveal itself is going to focus almost exclusively on the console itself.
There's not going to be any presence of games. There could be a game show running on the screen, depending on how the trailer's put together, but software is not going to be a focus.
This week's Nintendo Switch 2 unveiling will be only half of Nintendo's big plan. As Nate the Hayton also reports that next month in February, there will be a presentation of the games that will accompany the console at launch and in the months following its release. This is also corroborated by VGC sources. So finally, the insider says that the Switch 2 launch window will be around May slash June and that it will undoubtedly be accompanied by a new 3D Mario and Mario Kart, although it is not known whether it will be Mario Kart 9 or a remastered version of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It looks like we'll finally be able to get rid of blurry photos, replicas, accessories and serial numbers. Nintendo Switch 2 is finally just around the corner."
"So I don't think there's really much else to say in regards to the actual Switch 2 unveiling side of things. We've seen so many leaks at this point and, you know, while I've always been hesitant to accept that they are 100% official in regards to how the console is going to look, you know, I've always just found that it seems like an incredibly big oversight on Nintendo's behalf to honestly give third-party accessory manufacturers the opportunity to go to a major hardware convention like CES, show off their stuff and say, this is how it's going to fit to the console, but this isn't really the console. To me, that seems like a massive oversight, if that is the case. I'm not too sure what we're going to see from the Switch 2. I think that we're going to see something that's very similar to what we've been shown off, but maybe there'll be some quirky things. But either way, the Nintendo Switch 2 is going to be unveiled this week."
"Then the games that we're going to be hearing about would be in February sometime. Now, Mario Kart does seem very likely. We haven't had a new Mario Kart since the Wii U era, really, because Mario Kart 8 obviously launched for the Wii U, and then the Switch got the Deluxe Edition.
So maybe this will be Mario Kart 9. I hope it is, because I don't want another Mario Kart 8 release, as much as it's a great game. Granted, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Deluxe will probably incorporate all of the booster pass stuff, so you have a very, very big game. But the point is that I think it's time for Mario Kart 9, hopefully. A 3D Mario. We've been waiting for that proper successor to Super Mario Odyssey for a long time now, so that seems like a given. I don't expect us to see Zelda, or maybe there'll be a HD remake of Zelda sometime later this year. But I don't think we're going to be seeing a new mainline instalment in Zelda for a good 18 months now, just to give it some space, because you don't want those big 3D Mario games and the big open world Zelda games to be clashing."
"But that, to me, is fine. And otherwise, there's some other things that we know are coming to the Switch 2, like a new Professor Layton game, which is going to be coming to the Switch and the Switch 2.
And also, Pokemon Legends... Pokemon Legends ZA? Still not out on Switch, and we don't have a firm release date on it, so I'm expecting to hear something about that most likely at some point, and how it's going to debut on the Switch 2. Maybe as well on the Switch, who knows about that. But the point is, is that there's also a Pokemon Presents that has been basically confirmed, because it was leaked via Pokemon Go, and that's going to be happening at the end of February. So it seems to me like we're going to get a Nintendo Switch Games event, probably sort of like mid to late February, and at the end of February we'll get the Pokemon Presents, and we'll see more about what Pokemon has in store for 2025, which will absolutely include some game coming to the Nintendo Switch 2, because we pretty much always get a new Pokemon game on an annual basis to some degree. But either way, lots to be excited about for Nintendo fans. Again, the big thing is happening this week, the big thing is happening on Thursday, so stay tuned for that. Otherwise, yeah, as we hear more about it, rumours and all that good stuff, I'll be sure to tell you all about it on your local Gamemaster region. Until then, thank you all for watching, and I'll see you all on the next one."