The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol (Gamescom 22) - Glen Schofield on the Spiritual Successor to Dead Space

The Callisto Protocol is an upcoming survival horror game directed by Glen Schofield, one of the co-creators of the Dead Space series

Audio transcription

"What would you say players can expect in terms of humanity here?
The humanity also is in the monsters. If you look at the monsters, they all have faces, they all have human parts.
Even this one that just comes out of a pod, shoots at you, this long 20 foot tentacle, grabs you by the shoulder."

"We talk about him getting meaner and faster and tougher and bigger, and that's what happens.
If you don't take him out, you may have cut the arm off the guy, and that arm is growing back.
They're coming at you again with longer arms, more power, and you either run or you better have some good skills.
Horror is about random, it's about not knowing, it's about no rules and stuff like that."

"This was one of those, hey, we'll randomly have this monster appear.
We liked it so much that later in the game it's not so random, it'll happen.
What can players expect off the main path, if they try to explore further?
What can they expect in terms of what they will find and interesting things to discover?
An old, old chapel, and it's really creepy, right? That's part of the story."

"You're going to put some of these together and go, okay, that's part of the story.
You're going to find they're probably a little scarier because they're a little darker and a little wetter and meaner and stuff like that.
You will find some audio logs, and those audio logs go back to helping you understand the story more.
Or maybe they're telling you about one of the enemies, or they're telling you about what happened 150 years ago."

"So there's a lot of little story parts that you want to pick up.
And of course, if you run out of ammo, it's a good place to go in there and find some.
They're pretty well hidden, but we do have quite a few beta paths.
So you guys do have some exploration, some combat, of course, is the main focus of Time Correct."

"Some progression, where you 3D print your parts, etc.
They're straightforward and a little more simple because what I want them to do is more tension.
I got to do this puzzle to get through the door, but the enemies are coming upon me.
I just can't run out."

"So it's one of those ways to slow you down.
And in some ways, you got to think like, man, where do I see that piece?
Or you grab a piece and you're like, where am I going to use this?
And you know you find it."

"But again, I like slowing the player down.
I like them having to engage in all the combat.
And on top of that, it adds pressure and tension, which are all ways.
Once you get the player tense, it's easier to scare them."

"Adding to the tension, I think, personally, one of the things that I already love about the game, it's the cam work, the work with the camera.
I think I've never seen something like this.
I think it's always ready."

"It's always trying to make the protagonist feel more vulnerable.
It's not like, I'm here, I can be fine.
And also, during combat, it moves, it zooms in.
Please tell us a bit more on how you guys worked on the camera."

"Yeah, you know, you're the first one to bring that up, which is pretty observant.
Because the camera, we spent so much time pulling it in, pulling it out, changing the angle, this or that.
Sometimes it's a little behind him because we want to show you something over there.
Or other times it's in front of him so you see his face."

"So, good call.
Yeah, there's a ton of camera work in there.
It's outdoor.
You're in the ship.
You're in the prison."

"You're below the prison.
You're kind of all over the place.
And that's all part of the story.
You're going to learn, I'm only in the prison for a while."

"And then I get out and there's a deep, rich story underneath the prison.
Scare the shit out of them.
That they love that.
They do."

"Yeah, they do.
Thank you, Sean.
Yep, thank you."





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