The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

Van Helsing game in the works

Neocore develops action RPG.

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Budapest based Neocore Games (King Arthur II) have announced The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing for PC and XBLA due out late Q4 this year.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

"Being located in Eastern Europe and having experience developing RPGs, Van Helsing is a natural fit for us; it's a project where we can demonstrate our expertise in both domains and create something novel that RPG fans can appreciate," said Viktor Juhász, lead writer at NeocoreGames. "We've always enjoyed crafting games from legendary tales, but with our own twist, and Van Helsing provides us the perfect game world to experiment with."

The press release announcing the game highlights a witty and "refreshingly unique" story set in a "gothic noir" universe based on 19th century Europe with some added fantastical elements. Take a look at some of the monster concepts below.

The Incredible Adventures of Van HelsingThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van HelsingThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

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