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      Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

      Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines mod lets you play as the good guys

      Vampire hunting doesn't have to have such low job satisfaction.

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      Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines is known as one of the best RPGs of all-time, but now modder Wesp5 has added a new playable faction in Vampire Hunters. In the base game, Vampire Hunters aren't exactly fun guys, as they often resort to kidnapping and torture to make sure they achieve their goals.

      However, in the new mini-campaign by Wesp5, you can play as one of these dastardly dudes, but with a lot of powers based on faith. The mod isn't available for public use yet, and is in a bit more of a proof-of-concept stage.

      Still, the idea sounds interesting enough, and it could breathe new life into this classic RPG. Gamers are bound to go looking for a new RPG experience after Baldur's Gate III at some point, right?

      Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

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