Hello my name is Paul iam big fun on cartoons But:
First of all i bought on Xbox one i pre ordered on digital this game because i was so excited to play with my friends but this game need to connect Internet to play offline either solo or Co op 2-4 players second they didnt make an option that you can choose to play online or offline for players who want experience on local counch most of them didnt have Internet to download and to play on Internet its waste of money.
The characters has no voice only on signle player drop a balon chat that get hurt from another character no good voice on cars and why says the title racer and you put to fly or boat this game isnt good make only road and put more characters and Dlc maps and char to reveals if you make this game with updates you can sell more than you expect pleaz make update for voices fix only road race with weapons and guys make option for offline for people that they dont have Internet i put this score because i am fun on it not that i like if you fix this guy i put more score on this game.