
US book chain Barnes & Noble to open 60 new stores

It is believed TikTok is the reason behind this reading resurgence.

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In a surprising turn in recent years, books have seen a large resurgence. While we thought Kindles and other forms of entertainment would have been the end of the old paperback, it appears that people are continuing to enjoy reading, and apparently it's thanks to TikTok.

You might not think the king of short-form content could lead to more interest in the longer stories of books, but Axios reports that the community online known as BookTok has led to a serious jump in the popularity of reading, especially when it comes to romance and fantasy.

Onyx Storm, the latest smash hit among BookTokers, is the fastest-selling adult novel in 20 years. US book store chain Barnes & Noble is planning to open 60 new stores this year, compared with just 3 back in 2020.

Whatever the reason behind the reading resurgence, it's good to see that the old book store isn't being left behind, and that media considered ancient by some is still enjoying great successes here and there.

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US book chain Barnes & Noble to open 60 new stores

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