After Yoshinori Ono announced on Twitter that Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers has gone gold on Switch, Nintendo published a new screenshot gallery, in which we can also take a look at some new features in this release. Among these, there's also a new first-person single-player mode called Way of the Hado, where the player uses the Joy-Cons to defend themselves and attack the Shadoloo army using Hadoken and Shoryuken special moves.
In addition, The Final Challengers also adds a new co-op mode where the player can unleash two-character combos, local and online multiplayer, and a chance to flick through a 250-page digital art book with more than 1,500 illustrations that have been scrawled throughout the 30-year history of the Street Fighter series. There are also Evil Ryu and Violent Ken to join all original fighters, with players free to choose to brawl in classic pixel-art graphics or a new modern look.
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers will be available exclusively on Nintendo Switch on May 26. Is this a tempting title to get players to buy the Switch?