Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers

Ultra Street Fighter II gets a release date on Nintendo Switch

Comes out at the end of May.

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Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers is not as far away as Capcom made us believe when they told Famitsu that development on the game was 50% complete a couple of weeks ago, or perhaps they're just damn fast. Nintendo has announced that the new version of the classic that comes with exclusive content for the Switch will be released worldwide on May 26th.

Gameplay wise, it is the same old game, but Capcom take advantage of the Joy-Con to offer everywhere two players multiplayer with one single Joy-Con each one. There is also a new co-op multiplayer against CPU and a first person mode to fight against Shandaloo soldiers performing Ha-Do-Kens and Sho-Ryu-Kens with your hands.

There are also two new characters, Evil Ryu and Violent Ken taking the rooster up to 19 fighters. And there are two art styles to choose from: pixel retro and modern look.

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers

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