A few months ago, we reported on the release date of Rainbow Six: Extraction, which was set for January 20, 2022 thanks to an updated blog post. But, despite that date being out in the wild, Ubisoft held off making any form of actual release date announcement, until very recently.
Rainbow Six: Extraction will be coming on January 20, but that's not the only bit of information about the game that Ubisoft has shared.
Extraction is available for pre-order for the lower price of £33.99 / €39.99 (for the Standard Edition), and will be launched with a Buddy Pass system that allows anyone who picked up the game to also give two friends access to the title for up to 14 days.
On top of this, Ubisoft has shared a few details about the different versions of the game that will be available. The Standard Edition will include 12 maps, 60 weapons, Rainbow Six Siege tech and 15 exclusive REACT tech, with free post-launch support and weekly endgame challenges.
As for the Deluxe Edition, this will include everything in the Standard Edition, as well as three bonus packs, and is available to pre-order for £41.99 / €49.99. Both versions of the game will feature Buddy Pass tokens, and if you do choose to pre-order, you will get access to the Orbital Decay cosmetic bundle in-game.
Take a look at the Buddy Pass trailer below, as well as a graphic that explains how the system will work even further.